Egg-cellent Engineering Challenge

As a team building exercise, Kings Cross Automotive put their employees to the test with a friendly egg drop competition.

The technicians were each paired with one of the support staff and asked to create a container that would keep an egg from breaking when thrown from the top of the building. Teams were allowed to choose from a variety of pre-determined materials and were given 15 minutes to design and build their ideas. 

Each teams methodology varied from packaging the precious cargo in many layers of soft and absorbent materials to building something that would slow the descent of the fragile cargo. 

The room was silent as each team worked to make their best attempts. One might say this automotive crew has a bit of a competitive streak. 

The eggs were dropped from our rainy rooftop here in Vancouver, Washington. Two out of five of these craft supply cargo containers kept their payloads safe as they plummeted to the pavement below. Ingrid and Kyle’s parachute was enough to keep the googly eyed ovum intact. Sara and Matt’s egg stayed safe in a package of craft paper inside a cardboard shell with popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners used as “feet” all around the outside for egg-stra shock absorption!

In the end, fun was had by all. Everyone is certainly looking forward to the next team challenge. Some seeking redemption… while others look to maintain their winning streak.